Wednesday, August 4

Welcome to the new and improved JUSTMY2!!!

by justmy2 @ 8/04/2004 01:05:00 AM

Thanks for checking out Just My 2 Version 2.0!

Why the change? First and foremost, I wanted to improve your user experience. Please feel free to let me know how you like it by adding a comment in the brand new comment section at the end of this and every new post. Please feel free to comment on anything I write here. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts and opinions.

Here are the other main reasons, in no particular order.

1. The interface on Bloglines was horrific. This toolset here for posting entries is 100,000% better and that is no exaggeration.

2. The old URL was too long and not memorable.

3. You now have the chance to post comments.

4. I was bored.

5. I have the opportunity to modify the page template better your experience and to suit my tastes.

6. You will no longer encounter broken links due to a more robust posting interface.

As a programmer, I was quickly disenchanted due to the absolute lack of user friendly tools. Don't get me wrong. Bloglines certainly has its advantages, including the Blogroll you see on the right hand side of this page. But the lack of other features quickly became annoying. You will begin to notice the new features very quickly.

All of my previous posts from the old site have been reposted below. Lots of good stuff on a variety of topics are just waiting to be read and commented on. :)

Please pass the word along to anyone you think would be interested in the topics you read here on a daily basis.

Thanks for the support and I look forward to hearing what you think.



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